What types of paint will schemes accept?
Community RePaint schemes are happy to accept a range of coatings, of any brand, in reasonable condition.
Improving waste management
Help us to make things better. Contact Martin, our Network Manager, to find an alternative way to manage leftover paint.
Leftover trade paint solutions
Our schemes can offer a more economical and sustainable option than sending leftover paint for disposal.
Ways to be sustainable
Recycling paint is not the only way you can be sustainable. Check out these other great resources.
Buying too much paint?
75% of us guess how much paint we need. Use this Dulux calculation to make a better estimation for your project.
Frequently asked questions
Find answers to some commonly asked questions about the Community RePaint network.
Scheme information
Join us
If you are part of a community group, charity or local authority and would like to run a Community RePaint scheme, find out how to join us.
Incorrect scheme details
Do you run a Community RePaint scheme and have recently changed your contact details or opening times? Let us know the changes.
No scheme in your area?
Let your council know that you would like to be able to donate your leftover paint for reuse.
Want to volunteer?
Our schemes offer a variety of voluntary opportunities. Find out more here.
Find a scheme
Find your nearest Community RePaint scheme to get paint for your project.
Send us your stories
We would love to hear how your painting project has made a difference in your community.
Guides and information
For press and media
If you would like to know more about the Community RePaint network please get in touch.
How to store paint
Follow these steps to keep your paint in good condition.
What paint should I use?
Find out what paint you can use for different rooms and surfaces.
Guide to paint
A quick guide to common types of paint and the differences between them.
Guide to primers
A quick guide to primers the differences between them.
Emulsion paints
Tips and advice for using emulsion paint, including how to use, clean up and store them.
Gloss paints
Tips and advice for using gloss paint, including how to use, clean up and store them.
Got a question?
If there's a question you need to ask that isn't covered here, or if you'd like to let us know something then please get in touch.
Videos: How to decorate
A video series covering everything you need to know before starting a decorating project.