“Health and safety law applies to all businesses however small. It covers employees, full- or part-time, temporary or permanent; the self-employed; young people doing work experience; apprentices; charity workers; mobile workers and home workers.”

Therefore, as an operator of a Community RePaint scheme you are responsible for:

  • making the workplace safe and without risks to health;
  • ensuring plant and machinery are safe and that safe systems of work are set and followed;
  • ensuring articles and substances are moved, stored and used safely;
  • providing adequate welfare facilities; and
  • giving staff the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure their health and safety.


This includes performing risk assessments, COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) assessments and fire assessments on a regular basis.

To assist you, the technical manual includes risk assesment and COSHH assessment templates which you can download and modify to suit your scheme.

The technical manual gives you every detail you’ll need to help you run a RePaint Scheme, contact us for an electronic version of the manual.