Brighter Futures, who are based in Stoke-on-Trent, provide support to those who require extra help to live independent and fulfilled lives. Their customers are people whose life chances including their health, employability and social skills have been impoverished by the impact of living in deprived areas and on low incomes.

Alison Williamson, a Development Officer at Brighter Futures lead the art project that involved the residents of the homeless hostel, 90 Hope Street. After contacting the local council for advice, they were told to visit our Community RePaint scheme that is run by Stoke-on-Trent City Council. Alison was looking for relatively small quantities of many different colours to complete a Jackson Pollock inspired piece, which now takes pride of place in their newly refurbished foyer.

If you are an individual or group from Stoke-on-Trent you can get free paint from our schemes in Burslem and Hanford that are both run by Stoke-on-Trent city council. We recommend that you contact the local authority using the details given above or check their website for more details on the process you need to follow to get the paint. Our other scheme in Stoke-on-Trent is run by Community Scrapshack CIC, who want communities to develop their skills through play, craft and recreation. To purchase paint from them you simply need to visit during opening times which can be found on our website on the link attached.

If you are not from Stoke-on-Trent, find your nearest Community RePaint scheme here or to find out more about Brighter futures, click here. 

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