Local charity New Start Highland is celebrating the 15th year of their Community RePaint scheme, having first opened their doors to paint reuse in 2008.

Staff and volunteers from Community RePaint Highlands have been collecting paint that would otherwise have gone for disposal and redistributed it to individuals, charities and community groups at affordable prices to help brighten homes and community spaces.

New Start Highland creates social and environmental improvements within our local community through supporting people, delivering training opportunities and promoting re-use. They provide a range of services including housing support, employability training, furniture provision and mentoring. Additionally, they work within the local community to ensure that items that were potentially going to landfill instead find a new home with people in need.

Dulux Community Repaint, Scott Clelland at Inverness depot.

The sheds, garages and cupboards of Scotland are holding enough colour to paint the town many times over. The Community RePaint scheme collects useable, leftover paint from businesses, retailers and paint manufacturers in the local area and in the past 10 years alone, the scheme has redistributed over 72,000 litres of leftover paint to local communities, saving money and brightening the lives in Inverness and surrounding communities.

“The aim of celebrating our birthday is not only to mark this important milestone, but also to raise awareness of the scheme locally so more people can benefit,” said Paint Trainer Scott Clelland. “Community RePaint Highlands offers a simple, local solution to the problem of waste paint. By reusing leftover paint in our community, we can bring a splash of colour to the lives of those who need it the most and help to protect the planet by preventing perfectly good paint from being disposed of.”

The UK wide Community RePaint network manager, Martin Pearse, reflected “Community RePaint Highlands have done a fantastic job over the last 15 years. The celebrations provide a great opportunity to recognise all the hard work that has gone into making the scheme such a success and to reflect on all their achievements which has brightened community spaces and homes over the years. We are excited to continue supporting the scheme and look forward to seeing what they accomplish in years to come.”

If you are a trader, manufacturer or retailer with leftover paint you can contact the scheme to find out how they can help you. Unfortunately, they cannot accept leftover paint from householders.

If you need paint to redecorate your home, or if you are a charity or community group in need of paint for a project, get in touch with Community RePaint Highlands to find out more 01463 715615 / scottclelland@newstarthighland.org. They are based at 9 Carsegate Road North, Inverness, Highlands, Scotland, IV3 8DU.

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