Dulux Decorator Centres are now accepting empty paint tins to their stores so that they can be recycled appropriately. The great new is this all brands of paint can are accepted and the service is completely free.
The service is open to individuals with paint from their homes as well as decorators.
To be recycled the paint tins need to be empty of paint, free of other waste and have labels readable. They cannot at this time accept cans that have contained 2 pack polyurethane/isocyanate activated coatings, cans that have contained specialist high performance coating, industrial or marine coatings. Example brands: Cromadex, Jotun or aerosols.
Find out more here.
If your paint tins still have usable paint inside, you can pass them on through our Community RePaint network, and the paint can be diverted from waste and be used by individuals and groups in the community instead. Find out how to pass on paint for reuse here.