We’re excited to announce that three recycling centres in Mid Ulster District Council have joined the Community RePaint Network!
Our scheme in Mid Ulster is run by Mid Ulster District Council. It is operated through the network of local Household Recycling Centres (HRCs). At this site, you can drop off leftover paint from your home or collect paint for your home or local project.
Here is the full list within the Mid Ulster District Council area:
Drop off leftover paint
If you are a resident within Mid Ulster district and you have leftover paint from your home that you’d like to pass on for reuse, visit the drop-off point on-sites at the three above HRCs, to leave your paint. Groups and individuals will then be able to access the site to collect the paint and use it locally.
As drop-off points are run by the Council, the site is unable to accept paint donations from businesses. If you are a trader, retailer, manufacturer or other business with leftover paint, click here to find out how you can donate your leftover paint for reuse through the Community RePaint network.
Please note, if you live outside Mid Ulster district, you will not be eligible to access the site. If there is no drop-off point in your local borough, you will need to contact your local Council for guidance on what to do with your leftover paint.
Collect paint for your home or project
If you are an individual or group from the local area you can get free paint from this scheme.
If you would like to know what volume and range of paint colours we have at your local HRC, please visit them in person to browse what is on offer. The HRC staff will guide you to the RePaint shed on site.