The numbers are in and we are excited to share the Community RePaint Network 2020 statistics.
With numerous lockdowns, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many of our schemes to close throughout 2020, meaning less paint could be collected and redistributed than normal.
Despite the pandemic, the Community RePaint network was still able to accept and distribute a significant amount of reusable paint within the community. Schemes adapted to the new ways of working, such as operating click and collect, offering appointments to customers, and also delivering paint. Their hard work and resilience meant that they continued to brighten the spaces and lives of people in their communities.
297,541 litres of leftover, reusable paint was collected by schemes in 2020 (a 38% reduction from 2019).
250,749 litres of leftover, reusable paint was redistributed by schemes in 2020 (a 31% reduction from 2019).
71,665 litres of ReColour remanufactured paint sold in 2020 (a 16% reduction from 2019).
Paint in Numbers 2020
Throughout 2020, our schemes have brightened 174,436 lives through individual and group sales (a 48% reduction from 2019).
231 staff and volunteers worked at our schemes throughout the year, which we would like to show our biggest thanks and gratitude towards, especially working through the toughest challenges that the pandemic brought.
Our schemes also saved 803,360kg of carbon emissions by reusing leftover paint, helping us build a greener future for our planet and communities.
Despite the challenges of 2020, the Community RePaint network welcomed four new schemes to include Bristol North, Darlington, Northampton and Lowestoft, a fantastic feat during so much uncertainty. We look forward to welcoming more schemes in 2021 and are currently in conversations with prospective organisations. The continued success of the network would not be possible without the dedication, hard work and resilience of our schemes.
If you would like to purchase affordable paint you can find your nearest scheme here. Have a big project? If you need more than 60 litres you can order our remanufactured paint ReColour here. If you have paint that you would like to donate, find your nearest drop off point here.