During September the Community RePaint Network participated in Sustainable Living Month, encouraging people to recycle more, waste less and take up the challenge for sustainable living. A number of our schemes ran special events to celebrate the month.

Community RePaint Swindon held a paint sale from 6 to 10 September, which coincided with Zero Waste week. During the sale 263 litres of paint were sold. You can find out more about the scheme here.

Community RePaint East London attended a ‘give and take’ event and also held a fantastic upcycling and chalk paint workshop. Around 148 people attended the ‘give and take’ at Grazebrook Primary School where the scheme gave out free tester pots to promote the great work that the Community RePaint scheme is doing. Their paint chalk workshop, where participants learnt how to make their own chalk paint for use on walls and furniture, was also a huge success.

Our schemes in Bradford and Torfaen opened up their premises to the community and sold paint at a reduced cost during their Open Days. At Bradford they were also joined by a local artist who produced a piece using their paint during the afternoon.

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