Our schemes will accept all brands of still usable paint, including a service charge. The paint must be in its original container, less than 10 years old and more than a third full.

Please note, we are a reuse network, not a waste disposal company. The paint inside your leftover containers must still be usable for a member of the public or a community organisation to use.

Here is a list of types of paint schemes can and cannot accept:

A table detailing what paint Community RePaint schemes can and cannot accept. They can accept: emulsion, gloss and tile paint, eggshell, undercoat, primer, masonry paint, floor paint, exterior paint, varnish and wood stains, and satin paint. They cannot accept: paint stripper and thinner, paint brush cleaners, wood preservatives and treatments, car paint, aerosol or spray paint, specialist and industrial paint, paint not in its original containers, cellulose based paint and unusable paint.