Each Community RePaint scheme in the network is expected to record the amount of paint it collects and redistributes. This information is collected on a quarterly basis and is used to report on the performance of Community RePaint, which in turn helps us secure support. It also helps us to see whether you need any assistance to boost your collections or to clear your shelves!

Why bother?

The statistics are incredibly valuable not only as a measure of paint reuse in the UK but also as a quantification of how much Community RePaint helps people and the environment. This is why it is stipulated in the Service Level Agreement that each scheme will collect and submit their statistics.

Your figures help us communicate why Community RePaint is so important, and they can be very persuasive when trying to secure funding or encouraging more people to use the network through press releases and other communications.

It is for these reasons we ask each scheme to record statistics, and why these need to be accurate.

Since 2021 we have been encouraging our schemes to calculate their carbon dioxide savings based on the paint accepted. A fairly simple calculation you can read more here.

What should I be recording?

You should record the quantity of paint coming into, and leaving your scheme and to whom it is given. This can be recorded using the ‘Paint In’ and ‘Paint Out’ forms (the latter is also a disclaimer). Together these provide an audit trail which you may also need for your own records. Because containers vary in size and the amount of paint in each container varies, paint should always be counted in litres.


We request four figures from you about your paint:

  1. The number of litres of acceptable paint collected
    This is the number of litres of paint which are suitable for reuse that you have collected from individuals, companies and other organisations (including Farrow & Ball paint).
  2. The number of litres of unacceptable paint collected
    This is the quantity of paint that is unsuitable for reuse but which you have (inadvertently) collected. This figure should NOT be included in the figure given for acceptable litres above.
  3. The number of litres of remanufactured paint you PURCHASED from the centres in Cambridgeshire and/or the Wirral
    We will check this against the figures we receive from the remanufacturing centres so please make sure this is reported accurately. This figure should NOT be included in the figure given for acceptable litres above.
  4. The number of litres redistributed
    This is the number of litres of paint which you have redistributed, both for free and for a fee, to the public or used within your scheme (e.g. to decorate or upcycle furniture).


We request two figures from you about your sales:

  1. The number of individuals
    This is the number of people who take paint from your scheme for personal/individual use. If the same person visits on two different occasions then they should be counted as two individuals.
  2. The number of groups
    This figure refers to the number of groups to whom you have supplied paint for their projects.

End of year surveys

At the end of each year we issue an extended survey where we collect additional information about your scheme. This allows us to update our records, understand your priorities for the coming year and collect additional figures to accompany the annual totals.

We request:

The number of staff, volunteers and trainees, and the time spent on the scheme
This figure is a record of the number of staff working on the Community RePaint scheme who are full- and part-time paid employees, volunteers or trainees. We also request an estimate of the average hours spent on the scheme each week by each member of paid staff. We request this as we understand that not all staff will work solely on a scheme. This prevents us over estimating the time contribution that staff make.

If for example, responsibility for your Community RePaint scheme is split between several members of staff, the number of staff you list should be a total of all these staff members. Then for each staff member, you should record the hours spent. So if 3 full time members of staff spend 5 hours each a week on your scheme, we know that 15 hours of paid time go into running your scheme.

Details of any external funding you have received for your scheme
Including the funding provider, amount and what it has been used for.

Details of what paint you will accept
e.g. full only or part and full, from traders, from retail etc.

Your plans for the following year
This allows us to plan the best way to support you to achieve your goals.

How are they collected?

Every quarter (April, July, October, January) you will receive an email containing a link to an online form into which you can simply and quickly enter your statistics. This form also offers you the opportunity to add comments to inform us of any changes to your contact details, service etc.

Paint in and paint out forms

To assist you in recording the amount of reusable paint coming into and going out of your scheme we have, in collaboration with yourselves, created a couple of form templates. You are of course more than welcome to tailor them to your scheme, but following these will ensure that you capture all the necessary information as well as details which will help you to promote your scheme effectively.

Detailed paint in form (to record details for each individual trade/retail collection)
Paint in form (to record details of multiple trade/retail collections)
Paint in tally sheet (for HWRC collections)

Paint out log sheet (for HWRC collections)
Paint out form (for all sales to groups and individuals)

Network Performance

The performance of the Community RePaint network is published each year, along with a poster which is designed for display at your scheme.

Statistics infographic 2014
Statistics infographic 2015
Statistics infographic 2016
Statistics infographic 2017
Statistics infographic 2017
Statistics infographic 2018
Statistics infographic 2019

Statistics infographic 2020