Reusing paint at your Household Waste Recycling Centres

If you are a local authority or waste management company we can work with you to collect paint from the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) that you manage.

Our research estimates that about 40 litres of reusable paint are wasted in UK homes every minute. This paint is either thrown away or stored in homes, to be thrown away at a later date. The majority of this paint will be taken to a HWRC, with just over one fifth of householders disposing of the paint at the kerbside in their residual bins. This provides us with an opportunity to capture this reusable paint, through HWRC networks across the UK, and redistribute it into the community where it can brighten spaces and lives.

We are already working with local authorities and waste management companies to collect paint from over 70 HWRC sites across the UK. Building on this success and experience, we can work with you to provide a solution for the paint you receive from householders in your area, which also provides you with a cost saving.

Why you should work with us

  • Reduce your paint disposal costs
  • Prevent a valuable resource from going to waste
  • Improve your green credentials
  • Support a local reuse organisation
  • Benefit your local community
  • Generate positive stories

Paint reuse options

  1. Community RePaint scheme collects reusable paint from your HWRCs

With this model, paint is collected in a container at your sites. A Community RePaint scheme then collects the reusable paint and takes it to their premises where it is processed ready to be reused in the community.

  1. You run a scheme from your HWRCs

Instead of working with a Community RePaint scheme as above, you become one yourself and all paint reuse would occur on site. In a designated container, paint can be dropped off and picked up by householders and community organisations. We would advise you on the best way to set this up.

  1. Alternative models

If neither of the two above models are feasible, we would be willing to discuss other options with you.

Once set up, we list all drop off points for HWRCs on our website so residents in your authority will know where to take their leftover paint.

Service charges

Our schemes will negotiate a service charge for collecting paint for reuse. This will cover the operational cost of providing the collection service. The charges will be considerably less than the cost of commercially disposing of the paint. In all the areas where schemes currently collect paint regularly from HWRCs they are able to provide cost savings, which alongside the environmental and social benefits provides a triple win for the case for reuse.

Get in contact

To find out more, contact the Network Manager, Martin Pearse, on 07976 538925 or