On October 13th, Dot Dot Dot celebrated Social Saturday by featuring us and other social enterprises that trade to bring about social change.

Here they included us in some ideas to decorate your property, as well as the amazing other social enterprises listed below:

    • Secret Projects are a social enterprise that makes secret items, which fold from one use to another, e.g pillows into quilts. At the same time, the project empowers women in India through the making and selling of clothing and homeware
    • The Big Issue Shop offer a platform that allows you to use your consumer power for good
    • Greenstream Flooring have an exclusive range of reused carpet tiles that are saved from landfill
    • Studio 360 empower disadvantaged individuals by offering a creative space and they specialise in ceramics, jewellery, craft and screen printed products

If you want to read more, head over to the Dot Dot Dot blog post 


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