National Allotment Week runs from 10th to 16th August, so with Community RePaint in mind, why not bring together your local community onto your allotment for some fun. You may wish to hold a ‘Party on the Plot’, which could involve repainting your sheds and fence. Our Community RePaint schemes will accept wood stains and fence paint – so grab yourself a brush and some bargain paint and get brightening up your favourite spot!

Community RePaint Wirral is running a promotion on garden shed and fence paint at just 50p per litre!

This year’s National Allotments Week, as organised by The National Allotment Society is themed around “A Plot for all Ages” celebrating the fact that allotments are now worked by men and women of all ages and enjoyed by families.  It is also an opportune time to highlight the fact that we need to protect our sites for future generations to enjoy. Allotments are also a great way to educate children about where our food comes from, the work that is put into producing it and the importance of not wasting this resource.

Di Appleyard, PR Officer for the National Allotment Society, explained, “We would like to encourage everyone who values allotments and appreciates the benefits they bring to the health and well-being of a community to engage with their local council and make sure that allotments are considered  in Local Plans and other relevant policies; if a site comes up for disposal the National Planning Casework Unit will assess any contradictions between the council’s intention to dispose of allotment land and council policies, particularly in local or neighbourhood plans”.

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