Thaxted RoadSaffron WaldenEssexCB10 2SGOpening times
9am to 4pm every day (16 October to end of February)9am to 5pm every day (1 March to 15 October)Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve closed from 1pm. Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.About the scheme
About the scheme
Our Community RePaint scheme in Saffron Walden is run by Essex County Council and operated through the local household waste recycling centre. At this site, you can drop off leftover paint from your home or collect paint for your home or local project.
Collect paint for reuse
Drop off leftover paint
If you are a resident in Essex and have leftover paint from your home, you can pass it on for reuse at Saffron Walden Recycling Centre.
Groups and individuals can then access the site to collect the paint and use it locally.
To drop off paint to Saffron Walden recycling centre, book through the council booking system on their website.
As this drop-off point is run by the local authority, the site is unable to accept paint donations from businesses. If you are a trader, retailer, manufacturer or other business with leftover paint, click here to find out how you can donate your leftover paint for reuse through the Community RePaint network.
Please note, if you live outside of the Essex County Council local authority area, you will not be eligible drop-off paint at this site. Residents from nearby areas in Hertfordshire may can currently use this site, thanks to a reciprocal partnership with Hertfordshire County Council allowing cross-border use. Essex residents wishing to visit a Hertfordshire recycling centre will need to apply for a free annual permit.
If there is no drop-off point in your local authority area you will need to contact your local authority for guidance on what to do with your leftover paint. You can also adapt this template letter to encourage your local authority to consider collecting leftover paint for reuse at their sites.
Essex County Council also partner with Community RePaint at their recycling centre in Witham.