Community RePaint Rochdale has had a huge impact on their community, saving customers £66,473 than if they bought new.

If you’d like to pick up paint for your own project in Rochdale, get in touch with them or visit them during their opening hours.
Community Paint Shop in Rochdale offers affordable paint, varnish and other DIY essentials to communities in Rochdale. The store makes use of the leftover and unwanted paint which would usually go to waste and redistribute it to families and community projects within the Rochdale borough. In 2018/19 the Rochdale community shop diverted over 6003 litres of paint away from landfills saving 8,901 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent from landfills alone. They saved over 16304 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent by using recycled paint rather than producing it. They donated £583 of paint and other items to community projects. They saved customers £66,473 when compared with purchasing from lead DIY stores.

Not based in Rochdale? If you would like to purchase affordable paint you can find your nearest scheme here. Have a big project? If you need more than 60 litres you can order our remanufactured paint ReColour here.

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