Veolia Environmental Services0151 255 1444
Old Swan Household Waste Recycling CentreCheadle AvenueMerseysideLiverpoolL13 3AF
Opening times
April-September: Monday-Sunday, 8am-8pmOctober-March: Monday-Sunday, 8am-5pm

About the scheme

This Community RePaint drop-off point is located at Old Swan Household Waste Recycling Centre.

If you are a resident within the Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority area and you have leftover paint from your home that you’d like to pass on for reuse, visit Old Swan HWRC to drop off your leftover paint.

Paint dropped off at this HWRC is then collected by Community RePaint Wirral, and made available to individuals and groups in need of affordable paint.

If you plan to access this site by van of any size, or with a trailer that’s between 2-3 metres in length, you will need to book an appointment online to access this Household Waste Recycling Centre. Click here to find out more and book an appointment to visit, or call one of Merseyside Waste & Disposal Authorities booking lines: 07774 787340 or 07774 787370.

As this drop-off point is run by the local authority, the site is unable to accept paint donations from businesses. If you are a trader, retailer, manufacturer or other business with leftover paint, click here to find out how you can donate your leftover paint for reuse through the Community RePaint network.

Please note, if you live outside of the Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority area, you will not be eligible to access the site. If there is no drop-off point in your local authority area you will need to contact your local authority for guidance on what to do with your leftover paint. You can also adapt this template letter to encourage your local authority to consider collecting leftover paint for reuse at their sites.